April 24th
Mile 2691 to 3057, 366 miles
It was hard to get up this morning. Feeling exhausted, but need to keep moving. We slept in a little and got on the road before 9. The skies are ominous. Radar is showing storms heading our way and building to the north and east of us. We’re west and hoping to fly under the weather and miss the bulk of it. It’s warmer, low 60s and the air damp.

We stopped in Paris Texas at their Eiffel Tower. It was comically small. Right next to it was a beautiful Texas sized war memorial that we walked through reading the plaques and tributes.

Finally found the actual Wichita Falls after wandering through town a bit. They appear completely man made which I found disappointing. We texted Jordan since we were here, so close to Sheppard Air Force Base where he was stationed. He said he actually proposed to Kristen at Wichita Falls, but other than that there was nothing to see here.

My food sensitivities are catching up to me and the last few days have been difficult with “tummy troubles “. It makes the fatigue make more sense. After not tolerating a banana this morning I new it was time to break out the broth and collagen protein I carried with me for “just in case” I couldn’t eat. Still I’m often grateful for my gluten and starch sensitivities. It forces me to make healthier choices even when I don’t want to. We live in a world where we eat more for pleasure than nutritional value. It’s difficult going through the southern US only eating grilled meats and salads in world where everything is breaded and deep friend and most people don’t know what gluten is. Some people seam to think that means I can’t have rice or dairy and their really stumped. I’m looking forward to being in Colorado where I know people have a better concept of healthy eating!
Turned in early again and found another hot tub! Yay!