April 27th
Mile 3689 to 4001, 312 miles
Neither of us slept well last night and we ended up sleeping in and getting a late start. That was probably good because it was in the 30s when we left around 10 and it had already snowed last night and was threatening more.

We talked with a man in the parking lot at the co-op where I resupplied some necessities and he said it’s probably snowing on the next pass, we can always turn around if it’s sticking, but after that it’s pretty much downhill.

It was snowing going over the next pass. The roads were wet but the snow was light and not sticking to the highway so we kept going. There were potentially more storms coming and we didn’t want to get stuck.

We dropped into the next valley and went into the Mesa Verde National Park. The park is huge. We talked to a ranger and explained we were short on time and he gave us a condensed and recommended route of must see items. Well of course the road went up again onto the top of the Mesa and it snowed a little. The weather cleared as we were touring around and the sun came out. We were awed and amazed by the Pueblo people and their skills. So much mystery remains. I’m so glad I got to see this in person and as usual could have spent much more time hiking and exploring.

We left the park, it snowed again. Extremes are becoming our norm.

We saw a herd of wild horses, I counted a dozen, in the park and quite a few more throughout the day that appeared wild. So amazing and beautiful…and wild!

We arrived in Cortez, hungry! We met two other couples, retired, traveling and living the RV life! One of them is towing his Indian motorcycle and still riding. So inspiring.
We visited the Four Corners Monument. Interesting how the state lines and boundaries formed over a period of time and negotiations.

We were hoping to make Kanab tonight but we were both feeling worn down by the cold. We’ve been following a storm system and keep thinking we’re going run into it around every corner.

We stopped in Page for dinner and ended up getting a room…for free! I’m finally figuring out the Best Western point system, yay! We got a quiet corner suit and the hot tub was wonderful!